The purpose of this site is to make available certain materials, including occasionally third-party materials, related to Retractable Technologies, Inc. These materials are for informational purposes only and may not be relied on by any person for any purpose and are not, and should not be construed as investment, financial, legal, tax or other advice. Please refer to the disclaimer linked at the tab labeled “legal” above.

I am a private investor, with close to 50 years of investment experience. I have an MBA from New York University and earned a CFA in 1991.

Beginning in 1975, I worked on the floor of the NYSE. Thereafter, I worked at several legendary Wall Street Firms, including Salomon Brothers and Warburg, Paribas, Becker. I finished my career working for Advest, Inc.

In 2000, I went out on my own and primarily managed my own money. Additional investment management commitments included nine years on the investment committee at the Hartford Healthcare Corporation where we advised the CIO, managing $3 Billion.

William B. Thomson (
